Turquoise Shoes

When I stepped into the waiting room, she was sitting with a blanket around her. Her head was tipped back and eyes were closed. 

Radiology. Both of us had appointments for scans. 

I sat in my chair on the other side of the room. Just the two of us. Me in my oversized hospital gown. Her in sweatpants and swaddled in a blanket. 

I played on my phone. Read a little. Answered some comments on Facebook. Just wasting time till my name was called. 

Then I noticed something. Her turquoise tennis shoes. 

I cleared my throat and she looked up. I pointed at her shoes and told her that I really liked them. This led to a conversation about shoes. And purses. And girly things. 

I shared my story of wearing two different shoes at the same time. We both laughed. 

I asked her name. Carol. I shared mine. 

She asked what scans I was here for. I answered MRI to check for liver cancer. She made a face of sympathy. She was waiting for a CT to check on progress of chemotherapy on her pancreatic cancer. 

Then we started talking about what keeps us going…what keeps us strong. She was still searching for that. 

I shared how everyday I choose joy. And what that really means to me is that the Joy of the Lord is my strength. She nodded her head. 
I talked about hard days. I talked about choices of leaning on God. How I know that He truly strengthens me. She nodded her head again.
Our words together was pulling up encouragement in her. Strength replacing heartache. Love replacing fear. A memory of a love so great, so good!
Her name was called…and while she was standing, so was mine. I pointed at her shoes. 
A conversation started…
Her Turquoise Shoes. 


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