
I have found if you want to laugh, just listen to kid’s conversations. They do say some amazing things. 

So in honor of all the kids who have been set free for the summer, here’s some of my favorites. 

Exclamations from one of my Special Needs Students:
“Quick! Take a picture! We’re twins!”
She sticks out her little hand and waits for me to take the picture. 

Conversation between two kindergartners:
Boy 1. “I had communion at church yesterday. 
Boy 2. “Did you drink any blood?”
Boy 1. “Yep!”
Boy 2. “What did it tast like?”
Boy 1. “Grape Juice. Ms Terri, am I a vampire now?”

Correction by one of my kids with Autism.
Me: “Agggh!”
Boy: “Are you mad Ms Terri?”
Me: “No. Just frustrated.”
Boy: “You know frustrated is just another way to say angry.”
Sigh. He’s right. 

Conversation between three sixth grade boys. 
Arguing from first row. 
Boy 1: “I have the best locker.”
Boy 2: “Mine is cleaner that yours!”
Boy 3: “You both are crazy. I clean mine out every day!”
Boy 1: “No you don’t! I dust mine every day!”
(Tension building. Voices getting louder.)
Me pointing to right: “SQUIRREL!”
Three voices, “WHERE!”
Argument forgotten. 

Conversation with student in Michigan. 
Student: “Ms Terri? So you’re from Texas!”
Me: “Yes. I am.”
Student: “So how did you get around?”
Me: “In my car or on foot.”
Student: “No. I mean how many horses did you own?”
Me: “Zero!”

Another Michigan student. 
Student: “Did you live next door to JR?”
Me: “Uhmmm, no.”
Student: “Can you at least tell me who shot him?”

Conversation with one of my sons. 
Son: “Mom, your makeup looks really nice.”
Me: “Thank you!”
Son: “I’ve got an idea. If you wear makeup everyday we won’t look like each other anymore.”

Conversation about Jesus with four year old nephew. 
Matthew: “Aunt Terri, if I ask Jesus to come in, won’t he stick out all over me? I’m little and he’s big”
Me: “Yes Matthew. He will.”

Happy Summer, y’all!


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