I Sing Alto


It’s amazing the number of people you can meet if you listen to the music. 

Take Pastor Abraham. I met him one afternoon at our churches’ district office. He was dropping off resumes and I was there looking at resumes. 

(This is obviously before internet...just saying.)

He was humming a favorite hymn. I decided to humm along with him in harmony. We looked at each other, grinned, and sang the first verse together. 

We started talking and I listened as he told his story, his testimony actually, of growing up in a small village in west Africa and the missionaries who had made a difference in his life. Now he was here and was hoping to reach some of his people in the city as a mission Pastor. 

As we realized the time, I asked if I could pray for him. And I did. 

‘Amen` was said, hugs and handshakes exchanged, and we realized with sadness that today was a chance meeting. A moment in time of blessing. 

I said, “I sing Alto. What part is your favorite?”

He replied, “Tenor.”

I said, “good. When we both get to heaven I’ll walk on over to the tenor section and you can finish your story. 

Or there was George who was playing piano at the local bookstore I frequented. He was trying out one of the new hymnals that had just come in. I greeted him. His response was surprising. 

“Did you just say good morning to me?” He asked. I nodded my head yes. 

He looked at me seriously. By this time I was getting nervous. Then he smiled. 

“You know, I’m in here every morning. The manager lets me come in and play because I can’t at home. But in the two years that I have been playing, you are the first person who ever greeted me. Thank you!” He said. 

He put out his hand and we introduced ourselves. He smiled again and then started playing. I started to walk away from him and he looked over his shoulder, not missing a beat. 

“Thank you! You made my day!”

Then there was Mark. He was my nurse during one of my hospital stays. I could hear him as he walked the halls, checking on patients, and singing hymns as he went. 

He came in with a large smile on his face, the words of “Blessed Assurance” pouring in beautiful melody from his lips. I couldn’t resist and joined him, adding the harmony part. 

What a joy he was all day long as he checked on me. He even got the other nurses on the floor singing too. A strong baritone melody from down the hall to the left. A sweet harmony of a soprano from the right wing . And me in the middle singing alto. 

Oh the people I’ve met in places across our country who are humming a little song with joy written on their faces. Different backgrounds. Different churches. Same heart. 

Listen to their songs. 

As for me, hopefully I’ll see you someday in the alto section singing harmony. 

And joy will be written on my face. 


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