Transplant Evaluation, Continued

What an amazing 3 days! The people we have met are phenomenal. Their passion for their patients is evident in everything they do. No matter the department, they worked together as a team.

Here are some highlights!

  1. Getting to pray with my Transplant Surgeon is definitely the top of my list. Dr David Hall sat down with us and explained everything from start to finish. He did it with lots of love and gentleness and absolute care. He answered our questions completely and then jokingly asked me if I wanted a job with the center. He said it with a grin on his face and encouragement to keep learning. What a God send he is!
  2. Floyd my social worker’s sense of humor and his caring put us at ease and opened up the floor for any and all questions. When he asked about our spiritual support from our faith. As we told him about our personal walk of faith, his exclamation of “that’s why there is so much peace that surrounds you!” What an encouragement. 
  3. The wonderful Pulmonary Technician who braved hyperventilating with me to get the results that were needed. His grin and laughter were infectious and made the testing go fast. Even apologizing for having to stick me for blood in a very sensitive spot on my wrist. 
  4. My Cardiac Care nurse, Cynthia, and my Tech for the day yesterday, Eric. They both helped me stay focused through a very difficult and painful test. The Cardiac Stress Test was the longest 6 minutes of my life. The whole process was five hours long. They made it bearable. 
  5. Getting a hug from my Transplant Coordinator today. Chiko is an amazing nurse and I’m so glad I can also call her a new friend. What an amazing encourager she is. 
There really is so many things I’ve found out from the last 3 days. What a process and if nothing else am so very confident of the level of care I will have before and after transplant. I’m also excited about the many resources that both Doug and I will have in the months to come. 

There are some things I have to do to get ready for transplant. I do have to have some dental work done. I already have my first appointment set for next Thursday. Let’s just say my mouth is going to be sore. The next thing is actually twofold. By doing one it will affect the other. My A1c is too high so I’ve been told to lose at least 10% of my body weight, but even 5% would be okay. I’m very positive and upbeat about this and ready to get it done. My Nutritionist was awesome. I learned bunches from her and we are ready to implement what she has set in place as recommendations with teeth. 

The Review Board meets next Friday, July 6th. I will meet with my doctor on July 11th. to find out their decision. Since the liver tumor is still a half centimeter too small, I already know I will be put on a pending status for it to grow. However, I did find out that the average MELD at transplant score for Memorial Hermann is 22. The other hospitals in the area are 31 and 32. Survival rate here is also much higher than national statistics. I’m in the right place. 

For those of you who have been praying for us, thank you! We truly felt the peace of God surround us through this process!



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