
We walked into my doctor’s office with total peace today. No anxiety. No worries. Not a question in mind that God has all of this in His control.

I know that for some, it’s hard to understand. I’ve been asked if I was mad at God for letting all of this happen to me...first cirrhosis and now liver cancer. I’ve been challenged by some to consider if there’s anything I’ve done wrong that could have caused this. Can I answer both of those with this one answer? I trust Him! I truly and fully trust God with everything I am and ever will be. I know He’s for me and not against me. In everything I give Him thanks...even this stuff. Do I shake and cry? You betcha. And then I take a breath and tell Him how amazing He is, turn up my praise music and sing at the top of my lungs. He is worthy to be praised.

So with that...what is the plan? Doug and I were given two options. Option one was to start the transplant evaluation process and to get listed as soon as the cancer tumor reaches 2 cm or if another tumor shows up. Once it reaches criteria, I would have a six month wait and then would be put on the active list with a MELD of 28 (I’ll explain that later). The second option was to inject chemo though the Hepatic vein directly into the tumor. The chemo would eradicate that tumor but the probability of a recurrence of cancer would be very high.

We chose option one.

So now we wait to hear that our insurance has approved the transplant evaluation process and that we are good to go. Could you please pray about that? Put that on your prayer list that we would have favor. Second, I would really like to remain stable. My liver function right now is good. I still have cirrhosis and now I have liver cancer on top of that...but my blood work is great! I would like to stay there. When it comes time for transplant it will help in my recovery majorly.

Oh and one more thing. I have a benign 3 cm mass in my colon near my appendix. My doctors have decided not to do surgery right now. Could you pray that it doesn’t grow anymore. In fact it would be awesome if it would just disappear.

I know this. Since all of this has happened I’ve gotten to meet some amazing and wonderful people from around the world. I’ve added new friends to my heart list. I’ve gotten to pray with my doctors and nurses and caseworkers. I’ve gotten to pray for healing for strangers I meet in the elevators or in waiting rooms. I’ve been stretched beyond what I ever thought I could handle and I give God all the glory.

His Plans are Perfect!


MELD stands for “Model for End-stage Liver Disease”. It’s range is from 6 - 40 and is a prediction of a person’s life expectancy over the next 3 months. It can fluctuate up and down. It is used in the transplant process to stage those with the greatest need for transplant.


  1. Terri, the kind of courage it takes to look an enemy in the face, tremble and shake but yet rise to the challenge, is heroic.
    I can only imagine how you feel as obstacles are put before you. The strength you are given is a testestimony of your faith in God. I am proud of you.

  2. Love you. Glad you're sharing. Praying for you!

  3. Terri's journey is our journey! You are in my prayers sister!


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