
Have you ever been in a situation where you should be shaking in your shoes but you’re not?

I’m here.
It’s real. 
It’s amazing and wonderful. 

This is the night before my appointment to discover what my doctor has decided is the best course of action to treat the HCC and the colon mass and the only thing I can do is sit here and praise God and grin. My heart is full. My head is clear. I have full peace that God has this under control and it’s going to be just fine. 

The funny thing is I really can’t tell you what I’m hoping the doctor will say tomorrow. I really don’t. I have no expectations. 

I know that no matter what, I’m loved by my Heavenly Father and I can hold onto full confidence that whatever I hear, He’s with me. 

I hope that whatever you’re going through that God’s peace which surpasses all understanding will do that for you as well. 



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